azure titの例文


  1. It will hybridise with that species, but the offspring usually show a blue crown, rather than the white of azure tit.
  2. The population in central Asia, yellow-breasted tit ( " C . c . flavipectus " or " Parus flavipectus " ), is sometimes included as a subspecies of the azure tit.
  3. Among them : 8 species of birds of prey : Osprey Pandion haliaetus L ., European honey buzzard Pernis apivorus L ., black kite Milvus migrans Bodd ., hen harrier Cyrcus cyaneus L ., Montagu's harrier Cyrcus pygargus L ., booted eagle Hieraetus pennatus Gm ., greater spotted eagle Aquila clanga Pall ., red-footed falcon Falco vespertinus L ., 1 species of wader : Great snipe Gallinago media Lath ., 1 species of dove : Sylvia nisoria ( Bechst . ), azure tit Paruus cyanus Pall . ).


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